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"One secures one's future
by honoring the past."

Tax optimisation in the field of inheritance and gift tax is an important part of our professional advice on succession and assets.

A tax and civil law planning in the context of any succession is in principle required, at least it is to be recommended without reservation.

It is important to use tax-free amounts sensibly. However, this is only a piece in the mosaic in this very complex area.

We always advise civil law aspects in a team with specialised lawyers and notaries. Civil law is always the cornerstone of a reputable structuring consultation.

According to our experience, these topics have to be examined intensively. Results can only be solved in real teamwork between client, lawyer, notary and tax consultant.

Double taxation through inheritance and gift tax, from sources of income already taxed during one's lifetime, can often be largely avoided with the help of legally compliant advice.

Tax burdens and obligations in the case of inheritance, transfers by way of anticipated succession or gifts are comprehensively regulated in the Valuation Act, the Inheritance and Gift Tax Act. Especially in the case of the transfer of companies, shares and larger real estate assets, further income tax aspects must be jointly analysed and designed to be legally secure.

Tax notification and declaration obligations that are not taken into account due to ignorance can hit heirs hard. The financial losses are often higher than the costs of comprehensive advice. Take advantage of our experience and objective view of things.

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