"Wenn es uns gelingt, die Gegenwart sicher zu machen, werden wir auch eine sichere Zukunft haben."
Wolfgang Kownatka
"Wenn es uns gelingt, die Gegenwart sicher zu machen, werden wir auch eine sichere Zukunft haben."
Wolfgang Kownatka
"Wenn es uns gelingt, die Gegenwart sicher zu machen, werden wir auch eine sichere Zukunft haben."
Wolfgang Kownatka
"Innovationen geben der Zukunft eine Zukunft."
Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger


"Through the glasses of the past
we look to the future."
Thorsten Müller
We know the long-term economic and personal goals of our clients.
Our insight into a large number of key figures of various companies enables us to act with foresight for our clients.
On the basis of the business data, solid advice and decision-making is possible at any time.
We accompany our clients in takeovers, start-ups or the reduction to core competencies in order to generate growth, stability, profitability and increasing company values.
When it comes to exit strategies, we are an important companion at our clients' side. Thanks to our many years of experience, we can safely and efficiently calculate the value of assets and earnings.
Whether restructuring, purchase or leasing, we accompany complex financings. Our clients benefit equally from our many years of knowledge, network and existing tools.
In our discussions we pass on the knowledge we have gained to our clients and partners. In this way, all parties involved benefit from a constant gain in information.